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Create Your Distict Point of View
Nowadays, more than ever, people, leaders, and groups must utilize the power of authentic Relationships in order to build trust, resolve conflicts, and create cohesion in their businesses. [Tweet "You can’t talk about success in relationships without the fundamental...
When you make worthy intent your going-in principle in your business relationships, then credibility, integrity, and authenticity—the three essential qualities for creating relational capital—will be more easily and readily expressed, and you will be well on your way...
Prospecting & Courting for new clients for your business and maintaining existing ones are two of the most effective ways to strengthen and build your relationships and improve your bottom line. Unfortunately, prospecting can be a business owner’s biggest...
Attentional Leadership, Connections
I was asked many times to train or keynote for business executives from all over the world. About “Attentional Leadership”. One of my favorite subjects that I developed and research about for almost two decades. One of my principal objectives has been to share with...
Attention Leadership, Business Networking
How can you increase productivity, enhance morale, and improve retention in your business and in your business relationships - without spending any money? Simply recognizing all people around you, whoever they are - employees, partners, suppliers etc - can do a lot...
Free Gift
If you're like most of my readers, you're committed to genuinely connecting with other people, standing out of the crowd, and growing your practice or your career. But the truth is, you struggle with how to do it all. That's exactly why I published and created many online training and blueprints to guide you. There's only one way to get many of them for FREE—by subscribing to my free email newsletter...
About Me
Itzik is the Global leading authority on business networking, business development, personal branding & relations capital. He is the bestselling author of the business networking and relationships book: The Attention Switch'. Itzik is an International Professional Speaker, trainer, Business mentor and Attorney.
Itzik successfully helps professionals (lawyers, accountants), business executives, firms, and associations create and maintain a successful and strategic relationship; Help professionals build their personal brand boost their authority, and stand-out; Switch Relations to Revenue, Referrals, and Results & follow up. Itzik does it through his worldwide online and offline programs and training.
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ATTENTION – How to give Attention?
One of the first books, I have ever read was from Dale Carnegie . Years after, I start giving Carnegie’s books as a gift for birthdays of people that I care about. Nowadays, I find myself reading or quoting every week from Dale Carnegie amazing work. Carnegie...
10+1 Additional Unique Attentional networking tips
Do you believe, as I do, that networking should be authentic, simple and sincere? So why so many people around us are uncomfortable of networking? Did you know that if you blend the special ingredient called “ATTENTION” you will instantly be a successful networker? I...
10+1 Unique Attentional networking tips
Do you believe, as I do, that networking should be authentic, simple and sincere? So why so many people around us are uncomfortable of networking? Did you know that if you blend the special ingredient called “ATTENTION” you will instantly be a successful networker? I...
Attention – A truly limited resource
"Attention," write Thomas Mandel and Gerard Van der Leun in their 1996 book Rules of the Net, "is the hard currency of cyberspace." They're dead on. As the Net becomes an increasingly strong presence in the overall economy, the flow of attention will not only...
How to Grow Your Network (and Net-Worth)
Do you find inventive means to give attention and connect and build relationships with others? Do you know and recognize that a great relationship satisfies far more than the monetary or interest needs? Are you aware of the Attention currency? Based on my global...
‘Creative Attention’ attracts new clients
I remember reading a quote from American poet Robert Frost that said, "The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment it gets up in the morning and doesn't stop until it gets to the office.". As you probably know and experience yourself, many times when...
How to Ask Great Questions and get new clients?
In building relationship with others, in giving them your AUTHENTIC ATTENTION, you need to learn to ask GREAT questions.
How to Listen and Attract New Clients?
How to Listen and Attract New Clients? Listening is so essential, and it is consistently listed in my book 'The Attention Switch' as one of the key ways to give authentic attention to other people, to let them feel important, care about and...
How to Maintain a Positive Attitude to Attract New Clients?
In building relationship with others, in giving them your AUTHENTIC ATTENTION, you need to maintain your positive attitude.