As you know, I wrote in 2014 my bestselling networking book: “The Attention Switch” – a real revolutionary book that share the right ways to build relationship and connect with other people genuinely, globally in a very short term.

During the research I have done for my book, I was fascinated by a lot of successful people and the way they build successfully their international relationship network. In examining what they shared with me, I could identify many similar characteristics in their approach that I want to share with you. Like every thing else in life – follow these tips and you will be successful attentional networker.

1. Be Caring. You want to build trust and likability with the other person, show him/her that you care about them. Each interaction with another human being is an attentional networking process that will help you build powerful relationships.

2. Be a Value Creator. You cannot build a real relationship with another person if you do not have or even if you do not intent to create value to the other person. You need to accept that in the same way that every new contact creates new value for you, you need to create value for them. Otherwise the real reciprocity of the relationship is missing. As a successful attentional networker you need to communicate openly and transparently your true value and seek together with the other person ways to increase this value to both of you and to other people.

3. Be a real Contributor. Attentional networker takes the lead in contributing to others. No interest involved. Being unselfish and thinking about helping, supporting and contributing to others and giving them you authentic attention will make you a successful attentional networker. Stop thinking WIIFM and start thinking how can you contribute to the other one.

4. Be Curious. Are you genuinely curious? The more curious you are and interested to learn about other people, the more successful attentional networker you will be. Curiosity helps you show the other person that you authentically interested in them and giving your authentic attention to them. Thus, bonding with them in a very short term. Do not worry if you were not born naturally curious, you can learn and develop this skill.

5. Be a great communicator. Attention networking is the most advanced way to build relationship, whether you are an extravert or introvert person. To build relationship by giving attention, means you need to learn to ask the right questions; you need to sharpen your listening skills; you need to be interested I the other person needs and desires. As a tomb rule, you should always put the other person in the heart of the conversation.

6. Be Consistent. Attentional networking is not one time approach it is a process of building authentic relationship. Like every other process you need to be consistent with your follow up; you need to be consistent I your attention giving to the other person; You need to seek more opportunities to interact and give more of your attention to the other person. As a successful attentional networker you will be able to connect with authenticity with other people, something that will take much longer to another person.

7. Be Courageous. Being a great and successful attentional networker means being open person and looking to connect with new people. Many times this act of connecting with strangers will oblige you to be courageous, but the reward for your authenticity will be huge! Your ability to connect and give from your personal attention to other will be very much appreciated, especially when you were the initiator of the relationship.

I make successful relationship building simple by using ATTENTIONAL NETWORKING: I help professionals, entrepreneurs and business owners to create and maintain successful business relationship and attract new prospects by using the “Attentional Networking”.

• Are you involved in developing new relationship for your organization/firm and want to learn how to do it right?
• Are you maintaining your relationship and network and do you want to learn how to optimize these relationships and learn practical tools to apply and use attention in maintaining this network?
• Do you want to learn new innovative and simple tools to attract new prospects and clients to your organization/firm?

Do any of these questions apply to you? Then my tools will definitely be helpful for you!

Seeing my international clients become successful based on the work we have done together is one of the greatest rewards of my work. I work with my clients one on one, in groups (in-house training) and through online programs. In my capacity as a keynote speaker, trainer, seminar leader, author, power networker I help continually my clients to grow their business and their global reach by using the effective attentional networking tools.

Are you interested to learn how I can help you?
Contact me to discuss a tailored program for your specific needs!

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