Work with me
I love nothing better than sharing what I have learned with those who are eager to grow. If this sounds like you, we need to connect.
I enjoy connecting with interesting people, from all walks of life, different cultures, different backgrounds. I always believe that ‘Contacts [i.e. Network] you Share, You do not Own’.
There is nothing better than surrounding yourself with a great group of people and sharing with them new ideas and strategies to develop powerful connections and expand your business instantly and fast.
If this sounds like you, we need to connect.

So how do we connect?
Here below I listed eight ways we can connect and you can access my wide experience, my global connections, and expert knowledge. I have arranged these in order, from those that require the least investment to those that require the most.
- WAY#1: Search my site.
I like writing on a regular basis on Business networking, Power of Connections, Attentional Leadership, Attention, Personal Development and Global Expansion. All my blog posts can be found at the BLOG page on this site. Just use the search box in the upper right-hand corner of this page to search for keywords. - WAY#2: Subscribe to my updates.
You can also subscribe to my updates on my website. By subscribing, you’ll get my latest ideas, thoughts, discoveries, tips & tricks delivered straight to your inbox.You can also subscribe to my ‘Power Networking’ YouTube Channel Weekly Videos. It is another free resource. - WAY#3: Buy a copy of my book.
You can buy a copy of the LIMITED EDITION of my bestselling book ‘The Attention Switch’ or buy my online training course: ‘Become a Master Networker’. They are both can be found on the PROGRAMS page on this website. In both products, you can find very practical ideas and strategies how to build a referral network and powerful connections based on ‘Giving Attention’ to other people. Every time, I will develop a new product, you will be able to find it here as well. Learn more… - WAY#4: Join our SWITCH® Global Community & Membership site
THE SWIT.CH® is internationally recognized as #1 Global Membership & Community for Professionals to support their practice Business Development, Personal Branding & lead generation and training for Professionals, offering:- Every month a new Master Class
- Every month a Practice How To
- Every month Your Next Referral
- Every month Live Q&A
N.B. We focus on professionals and driven entrepreneurs. If you are a professional and want to grow your practice, please join us at: THE SWITCH®
- WAY#5: Join my Power Networking Academy™ Training
This is my online and offline training and education academy. The Academy is #1 provider of Business Networking and Relations Capital services to individuals, companies, organizations, professionals and leading academic institutions, used by more people than any other. This academy is one-of-a-kind and designed to give you the inspiration, training, and resources you need to build your connections and sea of referrals and help you expand globally. We organize the offline training, as the Power Networking Bootcamp™ in many countries around the world, so you don’t miss the opportunity to join. - WAY#6: Book me as a keynote speaker.
I have keynoted already in 64 countries in the last decade and for hundreds of events, conferences, seminars, trade and professionals associations, Chamber of commerce, professional firms. I will be happy to support you to make your next event a very memorable experience. If you have an event you would like me to consider, please visit my Speaking page and email me all the relevant details as soon as possible. - WAY#7: Join my Power Networking Mentoring Programs.
I dedicate very limited time to personally mentor entrepreneurs from different countries [PN-PM]. Therefore, I am very selective. If you think you could benefit from one-on-one interaction with me, email me and get in touch.Another possibility is to join my Power Networking – All Mentoring program [PN-AM]. This is a group mentoring program that takes place once a month online. For further details and joining the international group of entrepreneurs, please send me an email to and mentioned as the subject of your email “Group Mentoring Program” - WAY#8: Join my One-of-a-Kind™ Mastermind Group.
Specifically for a selective group of qualified, high-achievers entrepreneurs, I prepared a special Mastermind Group. If you would like to be notified in advance, please email me and we will keep you informed.If you have something else in mind, other than what I have outlined, feel free to e-mail me. Someone on my team would be happy to talk with you.I hope also to be able to meet you face-to-face sometime soon!
Free Gift

If you're like most of my readers, you're committed to genuinely connecting with other people, standing out of the crowd, and growing your practice or your career. But the truth is, you struggle with how to do it all. That's exactly why I published and created many online training and blueprints to guide you. There's only one way to get many of them for FREE—by subscribing to my free email newsletter...
About Me

Itzik is the Global leading authority on business networking, business development, personal branding & relations capital. He is the bestselling author of the business networking and relationships book: The Attention Switch'. Itzik is an International Professional Speaker, trainer, Business mentor and Attorney.
Itzik successfully helps professionals (lawyers, accountants), business executives, firms, and associations create and maintain a successful and strategic relationship; Help professionals build their personal brand boost their authority, and stand-out; Switch Relations to Revenue, Referrals, and Results & follow up. Itzik does it through his worldwide online and offline programs and training.
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Business Development: A Guide to Win/Loss Analysis:
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