What is ‘Serendipity Networking’?

The New Oxford Dictionary of English defines ‘serendipity’ as the occurrence and development of events or finding interesting or valuable things by chance in a satisfactory or beneficial way. 

‘Networking’, on the other hand, defined as the process of sharing knowledge, helping others and developing mutually beneficial relationships. 

I truly believe, based on my long experience, that the right mix the two significant concepts, will get you a powerful formula to boost your business instantly and fast.

Sound like an absurd, right? Since if it’s serendipity, how can you plan it?

Well, you’re right – I do not ask you to plan it, since you can’t.  But you can do a few things to be more aware of it and prepare yourself to leverage it.

So, how shall one define ‘Serendipity Networking’?

I found this interesting animation movie which explain ‘serendipity networking’ in 50 seconds – 

First and foremost, serendipity networking is unexpected. You never know whom you’re going to meet!  So don’t discount the power of each person you meet to affect your business or even your life.

For example, the starting of my career as international speaker was a direct result of the random conversations with random People during my international business traveling. Works every time!

Secondly, did you ever noticed the positive power of being at the wrong place at the wrong time?

I once attended a dinner during an international conference of lawyers in India. When I joined the dinner table I got to sit next to one of the board members of CNBC in India. 

We had a very interesting discussion under the impression that this person was a certain guest in the conference (since he was not a lawyer himself), only to realize I joined the wrong dinner. 

I was initially embarrassed. I then realized how much he and I had in common, and now I’m happy to say we’re great friends who share information and ideas on a frequent basis!

Serendipity Networking requires awareness, patience, and perseverance as new relationships arise and as connections mature, and evolve.

Rather than looking always for better, faster, and cheaper ways to connect with other people, you (and even your organization) can capture and quantify value that arises from the random encounters of individuals with each other.

That lead to Return on Relations capital that no entrepreneur or ROI calculation could anticipate.

Please understand, serendipity networking is not an abstract concept. As a business owner and entrepreneur you can easily see how serendipity networking gives you a better ROI on your Relations Capital.

I want you to understand. serendipity networking is powerful. I mean REALLY powerful.

How many times have you met a valuable contact and was very surprised to meet her in the specific place you met? Or in the specific event? 

You really need to understand ‘serendipity networking’ not to lose interesting opportunities to connect with valuable people.

Let me give you some practical tips so you can start experiencing the power of ‘serendipity networking’:

1. Talk even to strangers

Stop listening to your mother’s advice: ‘do not to talk to strangers’. You never know who will be the next strangers who will  enter your life and change them forever.

2. Keep a list of your “People Encounters.”

Do you write down the names of every person you meet – not just business contacts? If not, start doing it now. From my own personal experience, I never knew when, but every person I added to my list, had a very specific value. I was so glad I kept their contact details.

3. Help and be kind to others

Reciprocity in relationships is an inherent human need. Learn to care, to be kind and friendly to others, to give authentic attention to everyone  – that will definitely give you back and a lot!

4. Always have business cards.

Always. You need to carry your contact details also outside of working hours….because then most of the time the fun and the real connections really begin.

I always being quote saying: ‘People bond when they having fun”. Unexpected conversations are the stuff serendipity networking is made of.

5. Plan to have something free to give away.

Why? People like free stuff. Furthermore, they would like to share about it to other people. You can imagine where that will take your business…

6. Get out there.

Serendipity networking has a lot to do with being at the right place at the right time.

So go our there and put yourself in situations, places or positions to grab more of it when it crosses your path. For example, plan to go every week to network in an obvious place for ‘serendipity networking’, e.g. Airport.

7. Have fun

Focus on letting yourself have fun, free from agendas, creating a positive impression on everyone you will meet.

Serendipity networking takes time. As the definition says, it means a lucky tendency to find interesting or valuable things by chance.

Now, you can’t make it happen. But you CAN make yourself more aware of the warning signs and more accessible to that which fortuitously affects you.

And even if you really DO think it’s all about luck, remember: luck is not a word, as I heard once by a fellow speaker – L.U.C.K is an acronym for Labouring Under Correct Knowledge.

Indeed, we should be approaching our networking with clear purpose and strategy. But – we must also Surrender To Serendipity. That’s where some of the most wonderful relationships and results come from.

Do you have new tips for creating ‘Serendipity Networking’ that you would like to share? Do you have a similar story about serendipity networking?  Why not spread some happiness and share your story in the comments? We all love to hear about networking serendipity!

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